Cookies policy

This website collect and use information as indicated in the privacy policy. One of the ways in which information is collected is through the use of technology called “cookies.” In cookies are used for several things..

Types of Cookies used 


This website uses both temporary session cookies and permanent cookies.

Session cookies store data only while the user accesses the Web and permanent cookies store the data in the terminal so that they can be accessed and used in more than one session.

What is a Cookie?   


A “cookie” is a small amount of text that is stored in your browser (such as Google Chrome or Apple’s Safari) when you surf most websites.

Acceptance of Cookies

When you access this website or application for the first time, you will see a warning informing you of the use of cookies and where you can consult this cookie policy. If the user consents to the use of cookies, continues browsing or clicks on a link, it will be understood that they have consented to this cookie policy and, therefore, the installation of cookies on their computer or device.

If you do not want to accept these tracking technologies linked to your visit, you can see the following additional options available to manage, control or eliminate the use of these technologies, or that of my service providers.

Information stored by Cookies

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs or personal information, etc. The data they keep is technical, statistical, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc.

The web server does not associate the user as a person but as a web browser. In fact, if the user regularly surf with the Chrome browser and tries to surf the same website with the Firefox browser, they will see that the website does not realize that you are the same person because it is actually associating the information with the browser, not to the person.

Cookies accepted by European regulations

According to the EU directive, the cookies that require the informed consent of the user are analytical and advertising cookies, excepting those of a technical nature and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of expressly requested services by the user.

Cookies used by this website

This website uses third-party cookies which are detailed below:

Analytical cookies: This website uses analysis services, specifically, Google Analytics to help the website analyze the use made by users of the website and improve its usability, but in no case are they associated with data that could identify to user. Google Analytics, is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc.

Facebook Ads Cookies: We carry out remarketing actions through Facebook ads, which uses cookies to help us deliver targeted online ads based on previous visits to our website.

YouTube cookies: In some parts of the web, YouTube is used to offer Raúl M. Sarante’s own videos. YouTube stores information to be able to generate statistics on the visits of videos embedded in other pages. As YouTube is owned by Google, you can get more information on the cookie policy at this link.

Social network cookies: Social network cookies can be stored in your browser while browsing For example, when you use the button to share content on in a social network.

Below, you have information about the cookies of the social networks that this website uses in its own cookie policies:

  • Facebook cookies (see their cookie policy)
  • Twitter cookies (see their cookie policy)
  • Instagram cookies (see their cookie policy)
  • Youtube cookies (see their cookie policy)

How to control Cookies

Most browsers allow users to control cookies through configuration preferences, it is possible that the general experience of use will suffer, since it will not be a personalized experience.

The necessary links to configure the options regarding cookies in each browser is provided as follow:

Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Safari (versión escritorio)
Safari (versión móvil)
Navegador Android
Opera (versión móvil)