
maternidad maternity full image size

Maternity/ Oil on canvas / Size: 30x40 inches /
Date: may 2021

In this artwork made in oil on canvas I show you one of the most discussed topics in the history of art: The Maternity. I was inspired from the Virgin and Child in their many versions throughout history. Before, I had dealt with the subject in artworks of different sizes but with an even more abstract and experimental artistic style. In this artwork I return to the more academic figuration to show a faithful representation of the social significance of the subject.

maternidad maternity artworkprocess1
Artwork process / Graphite on paper bond 56 gsm.
maternidad maternity artwork process
Artwork process / Section no.1
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Artwork process / Section no.2
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Artwork process / Section no.3
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Artwork process in the Studio / Section no.1
Artwork process in the Studio / Section no.2
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Artwork process in the Studio / Section no.3
maternidad maternity in the studio
View in the Studio / Oil on canvas/ Size 30x40 inch.
maternidad maternity living room interior_
View inside a room/ Oil on canvas / Size 30x40 inches / Date: may 2021

To watch the artwork in detail and the purchase information, follow the link below: