the accordionist, la acordeonista2

The accordionist

the accordionist, la acordeonista2
the accordionist, la acordeonista1

Among my pieces focus on the traditional folklore, I found inspiration in the representation of a musical scene with a typical instrument from this Caribbean region: The Accordion. This instrument came to us from Germany in the 19th century and since then it has been an integral part of the typical “Merengue” of the country.

For the composition I relied on placing the human figure in the center of the canvas, with the accessories that identify the representation of the scene. I have added a bulb light to accentuate the perspective between the foreground and background, as well as adding that touch of theatricality to the pictorial atmosphere of the whole composition.

This artwork was made in oil on canvas in 30×40 inch format. Broken tones predominates in violet and green, contrasted by yellow and black suggested by the different elements of the composition.

the accordionist, la acordeonista, proceso3
the accordionist, la acordeonista5
the accordionist, la acordeonista3
the accordionist, la acordeonista9
the accordionist, la acordeonista4
The accordionist, la acordeonista, proceso8

Below are the links to the original and digital version of the artpiece, where you can see all the details. You can leave me your opinion or ask me a question in the comment box below these lines. If you are interested in following me with the latest artwork that I am doing, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter where you will be up to date to new artworks and future descount on any originals available on the store page.